Our Goals
The Mat-Su Democrats is a regional organization sponsoring activities to strengthen the role of the Democratic Party within House Districts 25-30, which include the communities of Valdez, Chickaloon, Sutton, Palmer, Wasilla, Houston, Big Lake, Willow, Talkeetna, Peters Creek, Cantwell, Denali Park, Healy and Anderson.
Our members are served by Representatives of State House Districts 25-30 and Senate Districts M-O.
We strive to:
Stimulate an active interest in governmental affairs
Promote involvement in the political process
Recruit and support candidates that share our values.
Work together with citizens and organizations that share our vision

Usually first Saturday of the month, in person and zoom. See calendar for details.

Usually third Thursday of the month. Various Locations. Enjoy the company of fellow progressives in the Mat-Su for eats, beverages, and conversation.. See calendar for the details.